Can you tell? It is Thanksgiving and in a couple of hours I will be heading to Palmdale for dinner with my sister-in-law and brother-in-law.
But I had to keep messing with the template. It may change again, who knows?
And since a fair number of my readers are sort of airplane nuts, I give to you CVW-5 doing the obligatory shot with Mount Fuji. CVW-5 is forward deployed at NAF Atsugi Japan and embarks in USS George Washington CVN73. As you can tell it is mostly Hornets. These are the "CAG" Birds with the neat paint schemes on them.
I like the train pictures, too.
Had a great dinner here with the kids. Dishwasher running now. Sent most leftovers home with Kait. I'm the only one that eats homemade cranberry sauce, and I can make more gravy. The bird was perfect, the potatoes turned out well, and the gravy was 2DIE4!
Have a good time in Palmdale, hi to your family!
...mostly Hornets.
Ummm... isn't that "Hornettes?" ;-)
veriword: laymt. Past-tense of lame, as in my comment.
To Kid Sister, yeah it was a good day all around.
To Buck, I figure it has been around long enough to get to use it's real name. The fleet guys call the E and F the Rhino. When I was at Lemoore we had many colorful names for it. But it was still new and a novelty when I first got to the Central Valley in 1985.
Dang, there goes that age give away thing again!
Hey Buck, I almost forgot, Lex is going to get his panties in a wad!!!!!!!!!!!! Calling his beloved Epoxy Rocket a Hornette. Why the shame of it all.
That nickname I just used was imparted to me by Denny Morris, AMHC, USN. He was my LCPO at AIMD Lemoore, CA when Lex was a Lt.(jg)and I was a Gold Hash Mark First Class.
Lex is going to get his panties in a wad!!
He's heard MUCH worse from his commentariat, especially from guys like Nose and B2. ;-)
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