Happy Hour


Mother, Mother Ocean

Mother, Mother Ocean, I've heard you call
Wanted to sail upon your waters since I was three feet tall
You've seen it all, you've seen it all
Watched the men who rode you, switch from sails to steam
In your belly you hold the treasures, few have ever seen
Most of 'em dream, most of 'em dream
Yes, I am a pirate, two hundred year's too late
The cannons don't thunder, there's nothin' to plunder
I'm an over-forty victim of fate
Arriving too late, arriving too late


"Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is."
―Yoda, to Luke Skywalker

Counted the Stars

Counted the stars on the 4th of July
Wishing we were rockets bursting in the sky
Talking about redemption and leaving things behind
I have these pictures and I keep these photographs
To remind me of a time
These pictures and these photographs
Let me know I'm doin' fine
We used to be so happy once upon a time
Once upon a time
But the sun sank west of the Mendocino County Line
And the sun sank west of the Mendocino County Line


Saturday, April 15, 2017

About Last Thursday.............

On this past Thursday the 13th of April...................
I had an appointment with the neurologist at the Sepulveda Veteran's Ambulatory Care Clinic in North Hills, California in the San Fernando Valley. It is such a fun drive in because of the 14, 5 and 405 Freeways. This is a regularly scheduled thing for yours truly as I have had peripheral neuropathy for almost 2 years now.

I showed up on time even with the traffic. The neurologist I see is a young guy and I like him. I hope the Department of Veteran's Affairs tries to keep him. We did the usual talk about how things have been with my feet and lower legs have been concerning the new medication. That is new since this past winter. I take pregabalin 25mg capsules at the rate of 6 each, twice a day. I told him that sometimes it seems to work and sometimes it doesn't.

We then got into the lab work from the last visit about three months before....................yeah...........
A CT and EMG have been ordered. The CT is scheduled for 26 June...........I have a way to make that happen faster, I do believe. I am on the Veteran's Choice Program because I live over 40 miles away from the nearest VA facility. For me that was the Veteran's Community Based Outreach Clinic in Lancaster. The Choice Program lets us use the outside the same as the VA system. Perhaps I can get things sped up a bit..........................😏😏

It seems there were three antibodies in the blood work that are normally associated with...........cancer..............yeah...........three months? I think that I should have been notified just a bit sooner on this one, perhaps?

A CT Scan and an EMG(Nerve Conduction) were ordered by Doc and off to the lab I went.........8 vials of blood were drawn................yep.................shit like this is getting far too regular ya know......

Of course by this time, the mind is going about a million miles an hour just like it did on September 4, 2009 when I got the "good news, bad news" speech from my doctor in Wichita. That was when the left kidney went bye-bye 17 days later.

I now sit waiting.....
When I got home, I tried to sleep as the graveyard shift awaited..............allegory there, I think? What say you Chris Goodrich? Oh, where were we? Sleep...........yeah. I wound up being up for around 24 hours. I got home Friday morning and after what I hope was the last cigar, the lights went out. I did manage to catch my Beloved Montreal Canadiens win game two over the New York Rangers in the Stanley Cup Playoffs.

Oh yeah, waiting.....................
I called the records folks and did the dance and my records from the time I got in the Greater Los Angeles Veteran's Healthcare System. There is a mouthful!!!!!
I also have to fill out the release to satisfy the legal stuff.
I need the records for my regular Doc in Tehachapi in that he may have reservations about how things work at the Federal Government level.

Oh, did I mention that the neurologist said that the antibodies were indicative of the possibility of cancer? 😔😔😔😔😔

Missus ORPO and her sister had a long phone conversation yesterday about me...........the Sis-in-Law thinks that I crashed so hard as a reaction to getting the "C" word news.............It can have an effect I suppose.

I guess I will be blogging more again as this will be the journal of that little trip.............
We will see how it goes........................................


BostonMaggie said...

On the other hand, it may not be cancer. This may be a short journey. Either way, we'll hang with ya.

Mya Larose said...

Have some faith. I believe, you'll go through this.. sending prayers and support..

Glenn Mark Cassel said...

Thank you from the bottom of my heart Ladies.

Glenn Mark Cassel said...

Thanks BostonMaggie

KP said...

Hang tough. Don't give up until you have to, and never ever surrender. You have friends who care.

I will not go down and tell my children I didn't have the courage, the conviction, the commitment or the character to fight for this country...Don't go home and let your children down~~ LTC Allen West

Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus

‎"Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.("Therefore, he who desires peace, let him prepare for war")" from "Epitoma Rei Militaris," by Vegetius (Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus)