Voted with dirty harry reid and the left wing scum for a "jobs" bill. These worthless shitstains wouldn't know how to create jobs if it bit them in the ass. 95 percent of them are lawyers and have never worked a day in their lives.
Scott Brown, The Old Retired Petty Officer now considers you to be a turncoat and as low as that ass maggot
spinchter specter. You are a disgrace to anything you portrayed as having values. Sorry pal, but your alligator mouth has done overloaded your hummingbird ass. Especially with all that campaign hype.
I agree that your opponent in the recent election was the senator designate by the dumbos but her being basically worthless doesn't get you off the hook.
I've sort of figured he'd lean a bit left, considering his post-election interviews and the tendency of Republicans from that part of the country to vote like RINOS.
Speaking of ass maggots, how about Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins? Scott Brown is closer to them philosophically than any other senator we can bad mouth.
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