Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Dressing up the house

After two summers of flowering plants dying in the Desert Sun, we have switched to Cactus. A lot of Cacti as it were.
I will be adding to the landscaping(?) every now and then but this is it for now.


  1. Cacti are a good choice for your environment... mayhap the ONLY choice, assuming you want things to grow. And live.

  2. The home and garden places and Wally World have all kinds of them to choose from. We have small ones in the house as well.
    There is the bamboo in those green elephant pots as well, which are kept inside.
    I am slowly working to add more decorative rock to the front. The end of the front porch to the property line is about six feet by four feet. Going to give it the same treatment.


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)