Sunday, September 11, 2011

Fifty Seven

Today is my birthday. Among all the remembrances and other events marking the tenth anniversary of the attacks on Our Republic, it is still my birthday. Going to Bakersfield to have a late lunch at either Red Lobster or Hometown Buffet.
Being cold and disrespectful? No. It is still my birthday and I cannot dwell on things that have passed. I did ask to go back on active duty.
It is still my birthday. And after the things that occurred two years ago, I am going to be a bit self centered on this day.
Such is life.


  1. Happy Birthday!

    Hope it was a good one, full of family, friends and love.

    That's what birthdays are for!

  2. A belated Happy Birthday, Glenn. I hope it was great!


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)