Sunday, November 21, 2010

Obama: The rights of Muslim suicide bombers come before the rights of US citizens [Reader Post]

Obama: The rights of Muslim suicide bombers come before the rights of US citizens [Reader Post]

From Flopping Aces. This needs to get much more exposure. Starting here.

As for myself, the towel headed dirtbag some sixty three million of you that consider yourself good citizens voted for this. It is not only Obama's fault, Holder's fault, Nappy Slut's fault, But Ultimately Your Fault.
Hope and Change. My Ass!
I agree with profiling. It works.
The TSA is staffed by people who have no basic skills. They are pretty stupid themselves. At least a few years ago, the RETIRED NAVY on the ball cap initiated some sort of courtesy. But I do require it of certain individuals that are not good enough to shine my shoes.

1 comment:

  1. I drive as much as I can but if I really have to get there quick, I still fly. I want the screeners to grope everyone if it makes it safe for me to fly. Flying is Binary. Either you fly safe or you die. Remind me to tell you about the time I carried my shaving kit in my Helmet bag. I have also carried my guns in there and it freaked out the Salt lake City screeners in a big way.


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)