Sunday, November 21, 2010

For all of us E-5 to E-7 types
It is about Sergeants. Good read there, folks. Good Read, Indeed.
Can also apply to First and Second Class Petty Officers.


  1. Most of that post works, even if it is Army-centric and rather modern. I don't know jack about BDUs or MREs but can speak pretty fluent C-rats and fatigues. I never fired an M-16, either.

  2. We had three squares aboard ship. But the roach coach was out on the flight line.
    And we wore the fatigue trousers on the flight deck and hangar deck, aviation ratings did, anyway.
    And us Navy airdales were never required to qualify with firearms. Unless TAD to station security police, that is.

  3. The AF made us go to the range EVERY year until the Great Ammunition Shortage happened sometime around '69 or '70... which had something to do with a lil dust up somewhere in southeast Asia. And then they never re-instituted annual small arms quals unless you were an SP augmentee, which I was. That was back in the day when we carried 38 cal pistols and M1 carbines, LOL!

    Dang. I'm OLD. ;-)


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)