Monday, July 05, 2010

Observation by Paco

In my entire 55 years, I have not seen an administration, aided and abetted by its allies in the Senate and in Congress, and in state and local governments around the country, striking out with such arrogant self-assurance against the principles upon which our nation was founded. Over the last decade, each election seems to be more important than the one that preceded it, and the interim elections this year will likely indicate whether or not we have reached a tipping point in our advance toward a dreary, soul-destroying statism, presided over and implemented by hell-bent fools.

Paco Enterprises. A most excellent blog.
I read him regular and so should you.
Yeah. I swiped it from him. He is a friend of my sister.

1 comment:

  1. I am pretty sure that the Rosevelt Administration strained the principles pretty far and hard. The Johnson Administration came along and took the kennedy ideas and made them happen because Lyndon knew where the bodies were buried. NRA - Never Reelect Anyone. Throw them all out and start over.


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)