Thursday, June 10, 2010

Special Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow. The Missus Old Retired Petty Officer and the Old Retired Petty Officer will have been married for TWENTY SEVEN YEARS!!!!!!
Through good and bad, thick and thin, out of work and making a very good living.
Half of a Naval Career with me. Four kids and now eight grandchildren later. WOW! What a grand life!


  1. Congratulations to both of you! That's one helluva life and I wish you two many more years to come :)

  2. Celebrate Good Times, Yea and good for you and the missus.

  3. Happy Anniversary! It's a real accomplishment in this day and age... srsly.

  4. Congratulations! Now, take her out to somewhere nice---somewhere she'd want to go.

    Y'all have fun now.

  5. We went up to Tehachapi and had dinner at City Slickers. Nice place, very good beef and salmon! Relaxing dinner. Overtime starts at 0900 today!
    Many Thanks to all of you!


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)