Monday, January 18, 2010

The Weather Sucks

It is not a nice day as you can see by the weather thingie I have. It is raining on and off and has hit a balmy 47 degrees. There are Winter Storm Warnings in the mountains to the west, south and north. Pretty much surrounded and the snow levels will be below 3,000 feet. It snows in the desert, sort of. We are at 2,375 feet above sea level, so the snow will be on the mountains tomorrow. I would guess CA58 over Tehachapi will be closed on the west side. It is much more difficult than the east side going uphill from Mojave.
At least today there is a Mythbusters Marathon! It may sound cruel, I know but I have had the earthquake in Haiti up to the receding hairline. And listening to tributes, rants and such about Dr. King from folks that weren't even around or were in diapers at best is something I don't need pounded in my head. He was a good and decent man with a sound vision. A legacy any of us would be proud of.


  1. I've seen the High Desert covered in snow (when I was at Boron AFS) and it IS quite beautiful. But ya take your life in your hands if'n ya go out in it; Californians are like southerners when it comes to driving in snow: they basically can't.

    You can put me down as having the same sort of emotions re: Haiti. I could do with an update once in a while... say a five minute segament every hour... but the 7x24 aspect of the coverage wears out after over five continuous days.

  2. As for MLK, I understand that some major league philandering would have to be tacked onto his legacy, but back in the day these things were pretty much ignored (JFK comes to mind).

    ...and don't get me started on Haiti...

  3. This is why FoodTV, and the KIY channel were invented...65 & mostly sunny with high passing clouds today. Breezy & cool & I LOVE it!

  4. Update!
    Funnel cloud spotted near Fresno this afternoon. Starting to feel like Kansas,Toto!

  5. I am so sick of the annual worship of MLK that my kids have to participate in in school. It's like we are flogging ourselves still for slavery, so making MLK holier than thou somehow relieves our white guilt. Agreed he was a man with good ideas, but enough of the public school worship.


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)