Thursday, January 21, 2010

Scott Brown defeats Martha whatshername

The heir presumptive got beat. She was supposed to win going away after getting the DemCom nomination. Oops, something went horribly wrong for them in the most liberal, left wing, commie state in the Republic. And now the proverbial **** will hit the proverbial fan and continue on to November.
I even read an article that this could cost queen nancy pelousy the job as speaker of the house. Interesting possibility as some of those who would like to see her lose that job are DemComs.


  1. Well said. In fact, these ridiculous lib'rals oughtta be taking this as a sign of disgust when November rolls around. They were blown away when Brown won ... they'll wig-out like the knee-jerkers they are when the 2010 results come in.

  2. Couldn't happen to a finer bunch of weasels. But I think I've decided to go along with this guy at American Thinker and stop calling them 'liberal.' There's NOTHING liberal about Leftists - they're totalitarian to the bone.

  3. Damn, forgot the link! Fridays are tough on me - especially THIS one -

  4. The Dems' very own Apocalypse Now... "I love the smell of angst in the morning!"

  5. Hey Buck, I was thinking more of seriously puckered you know whats!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. They are running around talking about it could they fix things in 12 months that were broken for 8 years. If the Dems would stop, they would realize they owned congress for three years now and if it was so broken, why didn't clinton fix it in his 8 years. NRA Never re-elect anyone. Throw them all out and start over. MUD


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)