Saturday, December 12, 2009

My other blog

Be advised, my other blog has a new name. I decided to give it a more relevant title as to the new life. So, it is now Somewhere in The Antelope Valley. The link/address is still the same http:/
I am still doing the shakedown cruise on it as well as this one on occasion. As some who are regulars know the ability to read easily is paramount. Me, Buck, kc and the gang are partial to layouts that are easy to read.


  1. Heh. "Other Blog" made me flash on the ol' Bob Newhart show... "this is my brother Darryl and my other brother Darryl..."

    Are ya gonna keep both blogs? Or will one fall by the wayside?

  2. Far out! I love the flashback!
    I had a supervisor and a lead at Learjet named Larry and a supervisor named Darryl. All three were standing at the desk one fine day. Guess what yours truly did? I had to take flight!
    It was "it's my leadman, Larry, his brother Darryl and his other brother, Darryl." Just being my lovable self, ya know!
    Keeping them both. The other one is for some commentors who don't have accounts with anyone and nice ladies like Kath. Sometimes the rough edged sailor stuff is a bit much for some folks. Not PC, flexible as a good Leading Petty Officer should be.


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)