Sunday, December 07, 2014

Pearl Harbor Day

Not the best I have ever done. Not by a long shot. This is it, though.
The Attack on Pearl Harbor was a real wake up call for the then isolationist United States.
When ships enter and leave Naval Station Pearl Harbor, the crew Man's The Rail in Dress Blues or Dress Whites and Honors are Rendered.
Before the causeway was built to Ford Island, we always did the same when passing the remains of USS Utah on the other side of Ford Island.
Our Traditions in the Sea Service are deep and almost iron clad. We hold them dear in our hearts, until the day we depart this Earth.
So, on this Day, I give a little bit of history to you all.
May Their Memories Be A Blessing.
"Hear, O Israel! Adonai is our God! Adonai is One!" and,
"Hear, O Israel! Adonai is our God – Adonai alone."

I found the following at the Daily Signal.........................................
Always Remember. Always.


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)