Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Sterling "Affair"

My 2 cents is more eloquently explained by Colonel West.
In my view he is entitled to his opinion and beliefs. This is a transgression of individual liberty. What Mr. Sterling said was reprehensible, no doubt in that case. If he was recorded without his consent, that is against the law in California.
I do not follow the NBA at all so the only thing I have of interest in this is in the manner in which the Vigilance Committees flew in to action.
Personally I hope that Mr. Sterling sues the league.
2 cents out.

1 comment:

  1. While I think that he's a dirtbag, I completely agree with you. The thought police have struck, and they've broken the law while doing it.


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)