Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Linkage from Four Right Wing Wackos: Peace or Freedom: Ragin' Dave's Quote of the Day, publik skool edish...

I haven't been to 4RRW in awhile. Need to be a regular as it is on the Blog Roll........................

Peace or Freedom: Ragin' Dave's Quote of the Day, publik skool edish...: From Clair : Behavioral health problems means “lack of obedience” or “trouble with the factory skool model” which requires long hours o...


  1. Starting an Adult/Porn 3D Virtual Reality company, need donations

    I am trying to start a small software company that will develop adult/porn 3D interactive virtual reality programs for the new Oculus Rift VR headset.

    Right now the Oculus Rift is in development stage, but I need to raise 300 dollars which is the cost of the developers kit, which includes the VR headset.

    I'll be very thankful for your donations and will keep you up to date on the progress of our development. Hopefully we will have rendered porn into 3D and have it ready by the 2014 release date.

    Email me at virtualrealityfuture@yahoo.com and I'll keep you up to date.

    Here's my Bitcoin wallet address, please donate as much or as little as you like. Every bit helps.


  2. Dang. That guy is really making the rounds with his VirtualPorn thing. He hit me, too.


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)