Saturday, December 15, 2012

Guest Post: On the Tragedy in Newtown CT

My friend Jennifer Myers Soliz had this one up on her Facebook page this morning.
It's go folks, regardless of your values and belief systems. Just a Mom and her views.

Oh. My. Goodness. Someone make the stupidity stop! I have seen video games, psych drugs, autism, working parents, public school, lack of gun control, and even God blamed for what happened yesterday. Just stop! I know we are all searching for answers after so many children and adults are slaughtered. I get that. It's beyond our abil
ity to comprehend because we are not mass murderers. Folks- I'm not going to pretend to be some philosopher with all the answers. I don't know why God allowed this to happen. I don't have spiritual eyes- I'm still here on earth. I won't see the spiritual forces until I get to the other side. This much I know: I absolutely believe the Bible- for more reasons than I can type with my thumbs on an FB status. That means I believe in unseen angels - some work for Almighty God and some for Satan. I believe in personal choice and responsibility. We choose to be swayed by good or evil. This mass murderer chose evil. Now- feeding young minds a constant diet of violence, sex etcetera is going to make them weaker against those forces, but don't blame music, movies, video games for all of that. They are about supply and demand. If people demand trash and are willing to pay for it, business will supply it. Don't blame psych drugs- some folks have chemical imbalances and they need those meds to live a somewhat normal life. I'm VERY pro natural, but sometimes our bodies need help. Don't blame guns- murders, rapes, robberies happen all the time without guns! I've worked with some criminals as I've walked this strange life of mine. Not a single one of them said they refused to have a gun because the gun was illegal. Funny thing about criminals- they don't seem to obey the law. Smh. And blaming God? I've seen comments that God was allowed in church where kids were molested, Hitler was a Christian, what God are we praying to who would allow this to happen, etc. *sigh* I'm not wanting to get into a long debate (and don't get long winded in the comments about it either as I know a few of you can) or details, but quite simply you either believe Christ died and rose again or you don't. You either believe God loves you (and He does) or you don't. I pray and hope that you do. Message me if you want to talk about it! God doesn't dictate that we follow Him. I believe the murders yesterday were of a person with a depraved heart. I will continue to pray for the first responders, families, loved ones, CT, and our nation. But taking the weapons away from law abiding citizens, meds away from those who need them, and blaming God are not the answers. May God comfort our nation, and may souls seek Him in the midst of this horror.


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)