Sunday, November 18, 2012

Registered User is now in effect for comments

I got one of those robot comments today.
No choice on the tightening of things.
If you are Google/Blogger account holders and are also using OpenID, you are good. 
I apologize for the inconvenience.


  1. I moved to Wordpress last summer and they have an option for moderating comments---the first time. Thereafter, once they've an approved comment, they can comment without moderation.

    It works. I had to use moderation and/or captcha when I was still using Blogspot. That got old real quick.

  2. I find Blogger's spam trap to be VERY effective... hardly anything gets through. I've been without captcha OR moderation for well over a year now with no problems.

  3. It sucks but what you gonna do? Luckily I don't get all that many visitors so it hasn't been as issue so far. Fingers crossed.


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)