Thursday, June 28, 2012

Viewpoint of a friend of mine:

This was on the Facebook page of my friend from Santa Clarita, Lainie Sloane. Good and decent lady of faith. 
I am not in such a good mood right now over the ruling in favour of obamacare. I have enough government intrusion in my life being that I work for the Air Force and have to deal with the Tricare stuff and the Department of Veteran's Affairs. Plus living in California, the used to be Golden State.
That being said, I will let loose a tad here. The Chief Justice has disappointed me deeply but upon further reading, he may have caused the current occupant of 1600, the cabinet and the Communist Controlled Senate more heartburn than we may realize. 
I have made no secret of how I feel about obama and his policies, agenda and views. He is a hollow man and a manchurian candidate as far as I am concerned. I would love to be able to move to a state that will opt out but being in The People's Socialist Republic of Kalifornistan, I am so screwed.
With out further ado.....................And a Big Thank You to Lainie!
Viewpoint of a friend of mine: "Now that the initial shock is wearing off, there is much speculation, confirmed by the attached link, concerning the Supreme Court ruling about Traitorcare.

"The upshot of the speculation is that, in ruling as he did, Chief Justice Roberts put The Traitor in a box from which he cannot escape and gave the election to the Republicans in a possible landside.

"The Tea Party and all those who support it have a rallying cry far stronger than 2010, and their intensity will show itself at the ballot box while Democrats are splintered and begging people not only for money, but for Democrat voters to vote in November. The Republicans, even with Mitt Romney as a candidate, are counting the hours and will be highly energized to get converts.

"Roberts and the court ruled a mandate is unconstitutional, meaning future attempts to mandate Americans buy a product or service now has a precedent prohibiting it. By ruling Traitorcare is a tax rather than a mandate, it means The Traitor's promise of no new taxes is shot to smithereens and now American business, already suffering from a deep recession, is more unlikely than ever to hire new employees, thus deepening the recession just prior to the election. Moreover, because Traitorcare is now a tax, the Republicans have a HUGE campaign issue and The Traitor is going to have to defend a law he doesn't understand. Romney will devour him in a presidential debate. (Incidentally, do not discount the possibility that Obama may refuse to participate in one.)

"But the killer is the ruling that individual states may "opt out" of Traitorcare, and before the computer ink on the ruling was even dry, the Republican Governor's Association already stated they will not enact it in their states. Of course, the looney governor from California, Jerry Brown, has anxiously stated California will participate.

"In November, 31 Democrat senators are running for re-election and a majority of them are suddenly very vulnerable. This means the Republicans now have a very strong shot at control of both houses of Congress and the presidency.

"The attached link is from the White House Insider who states this is the greatest news we could have received, and he is now convinced The Traitor will lose and lose big. In the short article, he makes the point that swing states will now become Republican. He strongly hints the end is in sight.Now that the initial shock is wearing off, there is much speculation, confirmed by the attached link, concerning the Supreme Court ruling about Traitorcare.

"The upshot of the speculation is that, in ruling as he did, Chief Justice Roberts put The Traitor in a box from which he cannot escape and gave the election to the Republicans in a possible landside.

"The Tea Party and all those who support it have a rallying cry far stronger than 2010, and their intensity will show itself at the ballot box while Democrats are splintered and begging people not only for money, but for Democrat voters to vote in November. The Republicans, even with Mitt Romney as a candidate, are counting the hours and will be highly energized to get converts.

"Roberts and the court ruled a mandate is unconstitutional, meaning future attempts to mandate Americans buy a product or service now has a precedent prohibiting it. By ruling Traitorcare is a tax rather than a mandate, it means The Traitor's promise of no new taxes is shot to smithereens and now American business, already suffering from a deep recession, is more unlikely than ever to hire new employees, thus deepening the recession just prior to the election. Moreover, because Traitorcare is now a tax, the Republicans have a HUGE campaign issue and The Traitor is going to have to defend a law he doesn't understand. Romney will devour him in a presidential debate. (Incidentally, do not discount the possibility that Obama may refuse to participate in one.)

"But the killer is the ruling that individual states may "opt out" of Traitorcare, and before the computer ink on the ruling was even dry, the Republican Governor's Association already stated they will not enact it in their states. Of course, the looney governor from California, Jerry Brown, has anxiously stated California will participate.

"In November, 31 Democrat senators are running for re-election and a majority of them are suddenly very vulnerable. This means the Republicans now have a very strong shot at control of both houses of Congress and the presidency.

"The attached link is from the White House Insider who states this is the greatest news we could have received, and he is now convinced The Traitor will lose and lose big. In the short article, he makes the point that swing states will now become Republican. He strongly hints the end is in sight."

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