Sunday, June 10, 2012

General Announcement

Tomorrow, the 11th of June is the 29th Wedding Anniversary of yours truly and His Bride, The One and Only Missus ORPO1, Sharon Naatz Cassel.
Yep she has put up with my shenanigans, inconsistencies, deployments, life on the road and all that other stuff for that long. Pretty Amazing Gal, ya know!
Taken that day................................
Still love her with all my heart and soul.


  1. Congratulations old retired petty officer...

    from an old retired master sergeant

  2. Congratulations on all those years. I'm afraid my experience hasn't been as good, so I am always happy to see someone who made the right choice the first time.

  3. What I said at "The Place For Us All."

  4. Congratulations!! I don't know where we found them or why they picked us but, like you, I am eternally glad they did so.


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)