Thursday, May 31, 2012

Yours Truly Fire Surfing and other things

Our Friend sent pictures via the Facebook that she took last weekend.
I got mugged by another friend's wife while fire surfing! I did not spill a drop of my Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, either!
There is one at the end of Sunday when the weather was much nicer. All I did was watch my grand daughter ride a small four wheeler most of the afternoon.
Suzann mugging me

Good Grief! I look almost intelligent!


  1. Fire surfin'? We need an explanation, we do.

  2. One large piece or pieces of lumber connected on the coals and let it get burning. Then you step up on it and assume the surfing position.

  3. I think I'd pass on that. My feet are fine as they are. ;-)


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)