Tuesday, January 31, 2012

This really sucks

Yesterday morning about 1100, the Missus took a freaky fall at the building that is our line shack here at Red Flag. The wrist is broken in three places..................
Air Force Ambulance ride. About five hours or so in the E/R and Radiology............Pain killers.........that were not that good. A splint that basically sucked.......
Today was the initial with the Ortho Doc.....Great guy, Major USAF. The corpsman was a really shit hot SSGT.........Yes Buck, I said that! The ambulance crew the day before was outstanding as well.
We go back tomorrow for the pre op stuff.............labs, xrays and such. Surgery is going to happen on Thursday, time to be determined.......
Been an interesting trip to say the least......................................


  1. With jet engines, ordinance, hydrazine, and all the rest of the stuff that's dangerous on the flight line, you don't expect something like this to happen. And it's always the unexpected that gets you.
    Best wishes for a speedy recovery!!!

  2. Wow... THAT really sucks. But I'm glad to hear The Missus is in capable hands. I ALWAYS had good experiences and results with the USAF medical corps and I really, rilly miss those guys and gals. Medicare ain't EVEN the same.

  3. This place was good.....
    One of the guys was posted here during his career and said so and I have to go along with him.


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)