Monday, January 16, 2012

A cartoon for the day.

Do not freak out on this one, folks. Take it for what it is. Nothing is implied by me, the blog owner.

Click to make big so it will be easier to read, should it be necessary to do so. I got this from a nice lady at Google +. She happens to be a very devout Catholic and she thought it was funny.
Why am I rationalizing this? My French-Flemish Catholic Grandmother and my Norwegian Lutheran Grandmother will be paying me a visit if I do not give a civilized explanation.
I just think it is funny.


  1. The sales freak me out, too. But then again, they always do.

  2. I have a theory about the MLK assassination

    It was retailers and marketing folks that paid for it so that eventually a holiday would happen in January and those sales can take place after the after Christmas sales.


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)