Wednesday, October 05, 2011

BLOOD & TREASURE: A Promise Earned

Jim Lacey at NRO had this up today. It should be of interest to a few of my regulars as we are Retired from The Armed Forces of The United States.
Promises were made. Many have been broken..........As Buck about what happens to Tricare at age 65......gone.
Now our retired pay is referred to as “another big social-welfare system.” by the New York Times. Agreed the NYT is the Official Fish Wrap of the current administration and the Dem Coms in the Congress. They do not like matter what they might say.........
So go to the link and read this article. Forward it to folks you know. Send it to your congress critters with emphatic what are you doing?


  1. What a tremendously great link, Glenn. The army and the Marines have one helluva hard slog these days, and always have had. But the closing paragraphs said it all: sailors and airmen make sacrifices, too. Even us Cold Warriors spent years away from family and loved ones and we damned well knew we'd be among the first to die if the Big Balloon ever went up in Europe... and the Russkies lobbed nukes at our European airfields. I could go on, but I won't.

    "Social welfare program," my ass. Which the NYT can kiss, repeatedly.

  2. Once I figure out how to do so, I am sending this to Babs, Diane and McCarthy. Not that it will do any good with the two "ladies" no matter what they might say.


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)