Monday, August 08, 2011

Word of Wisdom from Buck

He has a good one up at his place.
Worth the read.
A sample is provided. It should get you interested.

That would be me.  I seem to be unable to consolidate my excrement (he said, recycling an old military sayin') this morning and am just now beginning to make the blog-rounds.  In so doing I see Blog-Bud Dan noticed something that a lot of us on the right and proper side of the political divide have been seein' this weekend: the Left is beginning to whine, piss, and moan about Barry.  Publicly.  Loudly, too.  I dropped this comment at Dan's place a few minutes ago:
This buyer's remorse thing is contagious. I read a liberal whine and moan piece in the NYT this weekend that basically said Barry ain't got no passion and... on top of that... sucks at story telling. I kid thee not.

 The rest is at the link. Go. Read. Comment. Buck will like it.


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)