Thursday, March 17, 2011

Why not the 747 water bomber? Could work on that reactor?

Saw this on Hmmmmm?
Might work. Might not.

Would work but where would it operate from? It would need a short turnaround and a semi close airfield, say Misawa AB/

This one on the other hand?
Bombardier CL-415. Fills up on the fly. Quicker cycle times.

A squadron of these would be more efficient than the 747. For the reasons above the picture.


  1. They're not putting out a fire. They're trying to cool down a pressure cooker. Constant application of coolant is required.

  2. I'm thinkin' water bombers won't work, a la Jayhawk's comment. The water disperses far too much to be of any good in the current situation.

  3. Agreed on both points.
    However it is about the only thing going as there is no such thing as a water cannon with a twelve mile range.

  4. Jayhawk, got you on the friends and co conspirators list! And also on the blogroll at my other place, Among the Joshua Trees.


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)