Friday, February 04, 2011

It has come to this?

Even HM and HRH are laughing at us.
Good lord, what in hell is happening to us?
Is it a joke?

It could be real for all I know. I mean Moonbeam is now in charge and his plans for us Californians bodes well................for an economic and social disaster.


  1. Arnold's main problem was marrying a Kennedy..........Brought the stupid with him to Sacramento.
    And it seems that no one else remembered the damage done by Moonbeam in his first go round and as mayor of Oakland.
    I will give him points for the pulling of state owned cell phones, to the tune of 48,000 of them if I remember correctly.

  2. Looking for the ejection handle. It was around here a few years ago. Sure can not find it now.
    Well, that's the breaks of nav air.
    Skid marks in the sky. heltau
    By the way we are coming down to the Mojave, around California City, to look for some fine specimens of rocks and other things to make jewelry and other rock related projects.


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)