Sunday, January 02, 2011

This one is a Riot!

From Ami Mental via Snigs Spot.
What's so damned funny?


  1. THANKS! That was a riot indeed!

    I so wish I could have shared that with my Dad,,he would have been rolling on the floor with laughter, laughter that is in complete understanding!

    p.s., I may have to "borrow" this so that others may share the smile (of course with full attribution).

  2. Just give the credit to Ami and Snigs.
    If it weren't for those two, sometimes I would run out of stuff!

  3. Funny, indeed. I understand the mental bits better than the physical; it seems more things bug me these days and my usually sunny attitude has clouded over considerably. But I suppose the ONE physical debilitation of old age I have... COPD... makes up for the lack of others.


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)