Monday, December 20, 2010

Made it

We arrived Sunday at about 1730. It was a relaxed trip.
Two little girls were happy when we showed up. I spent the morning with Bailee and Piper.
Breakfast at Spangle's and some finish up shopping for Grandma. Lunch at Subway.
I'm Grandpa, spoiling is my job.


  1. Glad to hear you made it there safely! Have fun with the family and if I don't get around to saying it later, have a very Merry Christmas - I mean Happy Chanukah (sorry if I misspelled that one)!

  2. Both greetings work. The Missus is a Lutheran!
    And the spelling is good as there is more than one.
    And you have a Merry One yourself, Jeff!

  3. Glad ya made it safe and sound. Being Grandpa is GOOD!

  4. Oh yeah, Grandpa's job is definitely spoiling the kids. I hope you guys have a great visit.


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)