Sunday, December 12, 2010

From xbradtc: Women in Combat | Bring the heat, Bring the Stupid

xbradtc has an excellent post on the subject.
I invite you to read it...............completely, then make up your mind.
As an old school sea dog, one should realize what my take is on the subject.
And having been retired for over seventeen years, the coed thing was brand spanking new then.
All I have to go on is my brother in law's experiences on Nimitz in 1994 during it's first coed deployment.
Then the Carl Vinson on a deployment around '01-'02 with pregnancy issues. And for those who want more on the subject follow this link to Commander Salamander.

This is the link for the post by xbradtc


  1. When I entered the Military, I lived in an almost all male environment. It took a lot of change to get used to having women around in the field. I'm sure that it will all work out in the end. Men and women will have sex no matter where they are so as long as the pill is available, issue it and move on smartly.

  2. I had SERIOUS reservations when we began to integrate women into my formerly all-male career field. But then I realized there were more "targets of opportunity" there than most guys could handle. I was an enthusiastic supporter after that. I was also single, too.

    It goes without sayin', of course, that the AF wasn't NEARLY as anal about fraternization issues as the Navy. We didn't live in close quarters like all y'all did so we didn't have to be. Thank The Deity At Hand.

  3. I'm all for women taking any job they are capable of handling, having done a couple "men's jobs" myself in the civilian world. However, don't dumb down the requirements so they can pass just to get women 'on the team' so to speak, and require the use of whatever temporary sterilization measures are available. Which means a pill or a condom don't cut it - I mean STERILIZATION.


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)