Sunday, November 07, 2010

New one on the Blog Roll

Hookers and Booze!

Hookers and Booze! Should get one's attention. It did. Downright funny and a bit rough around the edges!
I like it. I have it over there on the right of this here blog! Go. If you DARE!


  1. If I DARE? I dared. Looks like your run-o'-the-mill echo chamber to me, with totty. Your Mileage Obviously Varies, Glenn. ;-)

  2. Can you tell I have been home from work a bit too much?

  3. Or dipped into the Vicodin too often? ;-)

  4. SHHHHH!
    Took the last two yesterday evening. I was out and about taking care of WorkComp paperwork!


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)