Saturday, October 02, 2010

I need a break

I caught a bit from our dearly not so esteemed Commander in Chief. It seems he was heard at a fund raiser or some other looney tunes get together.
It seems that it was this little tidbit.................................
"I could use a break and some Tuscan Sun or words to that effect." Hmmmmmm.
Wow! That is a good one. After how many vacations this past summer? I wonder what it would be like if he had to be back out in the real world. Trying to make a living in the dog eat dog world the rest of us are in?
And then the dog will have to travel on a separate aircraft.


  1. Having given up that portion of my life, and knowing noting about the newer trendier trends...maybe "Tuscan Sun" is the new "Panama Red?"

  2. Hmmmmm!?!?!?
    He'll steal your woman and
    Then he'll rob your head!


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)