Monday, September 20, 2010

BP update

152 over 102. Did a full blood work, EKG and Chest X-ray. The nurse took four tubes of blood and I had to pee in a cup.
We are beginning the process to get a scan of the remaining kidney. There is a possiblity that the arteries to the remaining one may not be of adequate size. This will require the dye in the blood stream. If it is small then a stent will need to be installed.
And I still need a hernia repair!


  1. Good luck with all this, Glenn. My best thoughts are with ya.

  2. I remember thinking why did I have to take a stress test & EKG before my hernia fix. My BP is OK, but I'm teetering on 300lbs.

    It's been two weeks now since my hernia fixup and I've found that I've lost 20lbs. Heck of a way to lose weight!

    I think I'll pass, next time if there ever is one.


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)