Saturday, March 27, 2010

New Mug Shot

Reality. And yes I do need a shave. And they are Tri-Focals, OK? And what hair you do see is mostly gray. Except for the crown, that part is very thin. The wife calls it a bald spot. She could be right but there are still a few still hanging around.
No smart alecky comments or the belly incision and staples gets put up on this here blog! Yes the spectacles are government issue. The price is right. They only cost twenty years. This will be slowly replacing icon shots on various sites in the near future. I have already had responses from my sister and former squadron mates. The term Old Fart was bandied about with some regularity on facebook.


  1. NICE hat!

    Wear that age with pride. Gettin' old ain't for sissies and it sure beats the alternative.

  2. I have every intention of getting just as old as I possibly can. I surrendered to Clairol nearly 15 years ago, so the amount of gray is unknown because it doesn't show. Wrinkles are another story...but glasses kinda keep 'em camouflaged. Lovely Daughter told me I don't look 45, which is quite a compliment from the delusional little darlin.' I have to admit, I won the DNA lotto in this one, I haven't aged badly...yet. :D

  3. Wrinkles and white hair are like battle scars and ribbons. Worn with pride.

  4. Someone told me I should go..........kicking and screaming. My Grandchildren do give me the "oh papa......."bit on occasion.


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)