Sunday, March 07, 2010


Interesting period here at Falcon Maintenance. One young man is gone to n-Grumman at Palmdale and another has interviewed at the same place. The infamous Plant 42. Lockheed's place at Palmdale is the Skunk Works. You don't need anymore than that, folks. Ask Buck.
Due to my diminutive stature and the fact that I was a Blue Jacket in the US Navy, one of my compatriots at Falcon has blessed me with the nom de maintenance of "Papa Smurf" I like it. The other was Mighty Mouse.
Should either of these end up on an F-16 of the 416 CTF/416 Test Squadron, pictures will be posted.


  1. Now you know how to dress at Halloween. Think my kids are doing Alice In Wonderland...and that was BEFORE the movie came out.

  2. I used to drive by Plant 42 on my way in and out of the AV in the way-back. And I always wondered what sort of industrial majik was taking place in there as I sped by. Always. Plant 42 is something like a National Treasure in my book.

    So... you're gonna get your very own Lawn Dart, Glenn? How cool!

  3. kc-I have yet to find out how well Halloween is here in Cal City.
    Buck-Dedicated Crew Chief! Me! Holy Smokes!
    Chris-Thanks. I try hard.


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)