Monday, January 11, 2010

Speaks for itself

It’s time for this administration to admit that it has no idea what it’s doing.

I got this off of Cold Fury. Thanks Mike!
Kinda hits home, doesn't it? Along with the merry band of liars, thieves, tax-cheats, womanizers and dope smoking ballerinas, what would a rational, hard working person think? Hmmmmmmmmmm?


  1. I got this off of Cold Fury.

    Got what? Was there a link I missed?

    veriword: truffs. If ya use a long "U" ya get Troofs. How appropriate!

  2. Late again to the party - hell, I'm almost always late - but...let's not disparage ballerinas, shall we?


Your turn. Be aware that the world is watching you and be polite(For Buck)